TMC's Advisor

The Advisor is published by TMC

Improving Hybrid Teamwork

Many people are back to working at the office while others are still working from home. Experts have identified a host of problems caused by operating with a hybrid workforce. These include loss of corporate culture and remote workers feeling like second class citizens as on-site employees unintentionally hold inaudible side conversations in a meeting. Here’s my advice.

By Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson

Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson is President and Managing Partner of TMC IT and Telecom Consulting Inc. She is an IT and Telecommunications Management Consultant, electrical engineer, author, speaker, media resource and Expert Witness.

Hybrid Problems

Just like separate departments can develop distinctive departmental cultures through shared experiences and management styles, the disconnected parts of your hybrid team can lose some of the style that used to be normal when everyone was in the office.

For example:

Tech Helps

Technology, properly planned and used, can make a big difference:

Team Building

You, as a manager, can make a hybrid team work more like an on-site team. First, you need to be aware of the potential problems that a hybrid team might experience. You then need to observe your team in action, finding out which problems exist in your team, then create an action plan to reduce each problem.

For example, you might:

If you’d like to comment on this article or explore these ideas further, contact me at .

This article was published in the September 2022 edition of The TMC Advisor
- ISSN 2369-663X Volume:9 Issue:4

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