TMC's Advisor

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Summertime conjures up images of days at the beach, holidays at the cabin, and barbecues on the patio. It may also bring to mind sunburns, highway traffic, and uncomfortably hot weather. However, summer temperatures can also damage your computer hardware and cause data loss. At risk are motherboards, CPUs and other components not designed to withstand extreme heat.

By Guy Robertson

Guy Robertson is a senior planner at TMC and an instructor at the Justice Institute of BC and Langara College. He has written five books and numerous articles on corporate security and disaster planning, and offered workshops and lectures at conferences across North America and in the UK.

Keeping Hardware Safe in Warm Weather

Protecting your computer’s hardware isn’t difficult. Here are a few basic tips:

Many people bring hardware with them on summer road trips, and leaving a laptop in a car might be unavoidable for a few hours. To prevent damage to your laptop:

Ideally it will be convenient for you to carry your laptop with you, but if not, these are effective ways to protect it.

And now it’s time for the beach! Avoid overheating by staying in the shade and drinking cold liquids. There’s no need to hide in your trunk.

If you’d like to comment on this article or explore these ideas further, contact me at .

This article was published in the June 2022 edition of The TMC Advisor
- ISSN 2369-663X Volume:9 Issue:2

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