TMC's Advisor

The Advisor is published by TMC

IT Cost Savings Checklist

If one of your departmental goals for 2024 is to save money, this checklist will help. First, it contains the tried-and-true options as you would expect as well as some ideas that require an investment and some that you don’t think of as money savers, but they really do save money. Choose what works best for your operations and save other ideas for another year.

By Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson

Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson is an IT and Telecommunications Management Consultant, electrical engineer, author, speaker, media resource and Expert Witness. She is the President and Managing Partner of TMC IT and Telecom Consulting Inc.


Audit what you’re paying for:


Reduce the risk of theft or cyberattack:

Training, etc.

Vendor Management


Compare your infrastructure and staffing to your peers and to industry benchmarks. For example, if your helpdesk costs are high, there are best practices to reduce costs and improve service levels.

Process Review

If you’d like to discuss how to implement any of these ideas or to comment on this article, please email me at .

This article was published in the February 2024 edition of The TMC Advisor
- ISSN 2369-663X Volume:11 Issue:2

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