TMC's Advisor

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Web3 – Delivering the Future

The new iteration of the World Wide Web is going to bring much development to the internet and applications ecosystem, with the biggest companies already releasing early products. Experts say that it will take around a decade for Web3 to fully integrate however, some indications suggest this is incorrect since there are already a few products out.

By Roban Chahal

Roban Chahal is the editor of the Advisor, a researcher, and oversees TMC benchmarking studies.

Web3 vs Web2 vs Web1

The first Web consisted of a basic network connecting users and searchable websites.

Web2 is all about end user experience. This Internet form emphasizes User- Generated Content (UGC), ease of use, interactivity, and is known as “the participative social Web.” Web2 includes web browser technologies such as JavaScript frameworks.

Web3 is secure, decentralized, and is built on blockchain technology. This Web interaction and utilization stage moves users away from centralized platforms like Facebook, Google, and banks, and towards decentralized, nearly anonymous platforms. The Web3 internet would be owned by its many builders.


In terms of data security, end-users will benefit the most. With decentralized apps and data storage, they can continue to operate even if a server crashes.

Web3 enables different types of applications and services to exist, including:


Web3 stakeholders are proposing anywhere from the next five to ten years for it to become integrated, but not all experts share

But this could change. Most blockchain

systems are currently developed by non

-profits, which provides an open-source blockchain platform that allows for collaborative design and development. Companies that don’t yet exist could become the next Apple.

Also, there are a few applications and products that already exist that have had a great effect on businesses, economies, and people’s lives. Some examples include:

Once Web3 is fully developed, it will not replace Web2, instead it will integrate so the use of the best aspects of both software can be used.

If you’d like to comment on this article or explore these ideas further, contact me at .

This article was published in the October 2022 edition of The TMC Advisor
- ISSN 2369-663X Volume:9 Issue:5

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